Uninstall WordPress on Ubuntu

Uninstalling WordPress from an Ubuntu server might not be a frequent task, but it becomes critical under certain circumstances. Whether it’s due to a security breach, the need for a fresh start, or a shift to a different content management system, the removal process must be handled with precision.

1. The Need for Uninstallation

Various circumstances might lead you down this path. Firstly, security breaches – a nightmare for any website administrator. A compromised website isn’t just a threat to your data; it affects your credibility. Sometimes, the safest route is to start afresh.

Then there’s the website overhaul. It’s like renovating a house; sometimes it’s easier to rebuild than to refurbish. And lastly, platform migration. Moving to a new hosting service or a different CMS platform often necessitates uninstalling your current WordPress setup.

For further insights into WordPress security, I recommend perusing the WordPress Security Guide.

2. Pre-Uninstallation Preparations

Before getting straight into uninstallation, let’s talk preparation. It’s like prepping for a major surgery; the better the preparation, the smoother the operation.

  1. Data Backup: The cornerstone of any uninstallation process. It’s like packing up your valuables before a storm. Use a reliable WordPress backup plugin to safeguard your files and database. Store these backups off-site – think cloud storage or an external hard drive.
  2. 301 Redirects: This is your SEO life jacket. Setting up 301 redirects prior to uninstallation helps preserve your hard-earned search engine rankings and ensures a seamless user experience. Redirects guide visitors and search engines to the right place, avoiding the dreaded 404 errors. It’s a vital step for sites with significant traffic.
  3. Maintaining Data Integrity: It’s not enough to just back up your data; you need to ensure its fidelity. After all, what good is a backup if it’s as corrupted as the system you’re leaving behind?

3. Step-by-Step Uninstallation Process

Now, let’s walk through the uninstallation process, step by detailed step:

  1. Removing WordPress Files: First things first, navigate to your WordPress root directory. It’s time to say goodbye to all WordPress files.
  2. Dropping the Database: Get into MySQL territory and drop the WordPress database. This effectively erases all data linked to your site, ensuring a clean slate.
  3. Cleaning Up Users and Permissions: If you’ve created specific users for WordPress in your database, it’s time to remove these users and their permissions.
  4. Uninstalling Plugins and Themes: Don’t forget about the add-ons! Removing plugins and themes.
  5. Final Checks: After completing these steps, double-check everything. Ensure WordPress has been completely removed from your Ubuntu server.

4. Uninstalling via Hosting Services

It varies across hosting services. Let’s look at few – Bluehost, GoDaddy, and Hostinger – and how they each handle WordPress uninstallation.


Log into the Bluehost Admin Dashboard, navigate to ‘My Site’, and find the ‘Manage Site’ section. Here, a simple ‘Delete’ option in the settings sweeps your WordPress installation away. It’s straightforward, almost deceptively simple.


Start at the GoDaddy Admin Dashboard, proceed to the ‘Web Hosting’ section, and then dive into the cPanel. Here, under ‘Web Applications’, you can select and uninstall your WordPress site. It’s a few more steps, but GoDaddy pilots are used to it.


You’ll start at the Hostinger CPanel, choose ‘Auto Installer’ in the ‘Website’ section, and simply delete WordPress from the list of installed applications.

Once WordPress is history, what’s next? Check your website’s status – is it a blank slate as intended?

Now, reinstall WordPress for a fresh start, or you can start with a different platform.

6. FAQs

Q: How to Uninstall WordPress from Ubuntu Terminal?

To uninstall WordPress from Ubuntu terminal, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the WordPress directory: cd /path/to/wordpress.
  2. Delete the WordPress files: sudo rm -rf *.
  3. Drop the WordPress database via MySQL: DROP DATABASE [database_name];.
  4. Remove any associated users: DROP USER 'wordpressuser'@'localhost';.

Q: How Do I Completely Remove WordPress?

To completely remove WordPress:

  1. Back up your data.
  2. Access your server via SSH or cPanel.
  3. Navigate to the WordPress directory and delete all files.
  4. Drop the WordPress database and remove associated users from MySQL.
  5. If using a hosting service, follow their specific uninstallation process.

Q: How Do I Remove Local WP from Ubuntu?

To remove a local WordPress installation from Ubuntu:

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Navigate to your local WordPress directory.
  3. Delete the directory and its contents: sudo rm -rf /path/to/local/wordpress.
  4. Additionally, remove the associated database and users from your MySQL.

Q: How Do I Uninstall WordPress App?

To uninstall the WordPress app:

  1. On mobile, long-press the app icon and select ‘Uninstall’.
  2. On a desktop, use the standard software removal process for your operating system.
  3. Note: This only removes the app, not your WordPress site hosted on a server.