How to Install an SSL Certificate on WordPress Site?

Have you ever pondered the “S” in HTTPS while browsing your favorite websites? It’s not just a letter; it’s a fortress. This “S,” standing for “Secure,” is brought to you by SSL – Secure Sockets Layer. In the realm of WordPress, SSL isn’t just a feature; it’s a necessity.

SSL certificates do more than just encrypt data; they are the linchpins of trust and security in the digital universe. For WordPress site owners, installing an SSL certificate on WordPress is not just about enhancing security; it’s a significant SEO lever. Search engines, led by Google, favor secure websites. When your site flaunts HTTPS, it’s not just showcasing security, but it’s also waving a flag for better search engine visibility.

So, let’s unlock the world of SSL on WordPress, where security meets SEO, ensuring your site stands not only safe but also prominent in the crowded digital landscape.

Key Takeaways:

  • Importance of SSL for security and SEO.
  • Options for obtaining SSL certificates.
  • Plugin-based vs manual installation.

1. Obtaining an SSL Certificate

Before diving into the installation, let’s first ensure you have your SSL certificate at the ready. Begin by verifying if your hosting plan already includes one. Many providers, understanding the importance of SSL, bundle it with their services. To check, simply log into your hosting account or contact customer support for confirmation.

If your hosting plan doesn’t include an SSL certificate, fret not. You can obtain one for free from Let’s Encrypt, a renowned non-profit providing free SSL certificates. Alternatively, for more advanced features, consider a premium service like WP Force SSL, which offers comprehensive SSL solutions tailored for WordPress.

2. Installation Options for SSL on WordPress

When it comes to installation, you have two primary avenues: using a plugin or going the manual route. For those seeking simplicity and minimal technical involvement, a plugin like Really Simple SSL is a godsend. It automates most of the process, making it a breeze for beginners. On the other hand, if you’re comfortable with code and crave more control, manual installation is your pathway, offering a deeper dive into the workings of SSL on your site.

3. Installing SSL Using the Really Simple SSL Plugin

For a straightforward approach, the Really Simple SSL plugin is a stellar choice. Begin by installing and activating it from the WordPress plugin repository. Upon activation, the plugin automatically checks for an enabled SSL certificate. It then configures your website to operate over HTTPS, handling redirects and securing your content. While this ease of use is a major plus, be mindful of potential impacts on site loading times, as the plugin processes non-secure URLs on each page load.

4. Manual Installation and URL Redirects

For those who prefer hands-on control, manually redirecting URLs from HTTP to HTTPS is your calling. This involves tweaking the .htaccess file. Add the following rules:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

Replace “” with your actual domain name. This method ensures that all traffic is routed through HTTPS, fortifying your site’s security.

5. Modifying WordPress Settings Post-SSL Installation

After installing SSL, it’s crucial to update your WordPress settings. Go to Settings > General in your dashboard. Here, ensure the “Site Address” reflects the HTTPS prefix. This simple step solidifies your site’s secure status, ensuring all content is delivered securely and enhancing user trust.

6. Final Thoughts and Best Practices

In conclusion, an SSL certificate is a non-negotiable for modern WordPress sites. Whether you opt for the simplicity of a plugin or the control of manual installation, the key is ensuring every byte of data is securely transmitted. Regularly check your SSL status and stay updated with the latest security practices to maintain the trustworthiness and integrity of your site in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

7. FAQ Section

Q: How do I manually install an SSL certificate on my website?

To manually install an SSL certificate, access your hosting control panel, locate the SSL/TLS section, and upload your certificate files. Then, update your website to use HTTPS in its settings.

Q: How to setup SSL on WordPress org?

To set up SSL on, first obtain an SSL certificate from your host or a provider like Let’s Encrypt. Then, install and activate a plugin like Really Simple SSL, or manually configure your WordPress settings to use HTTPS.

Q: How do I fix SSL certificate error in WordPress?

To fix SSL certificate errors in WordPress, ensure your SSL certificate is correctly installed and valid. Update your WordPress URL settings to HTTPS, and use plugins like Really Simple SSL to resolve common issues.

Q: How do I set up free SSL on WordPress?

To set up free SSL on WordPress, obtain a free certificate from services like Let’s Encrypt. Install it via your hosting provider’s control panel, and then configure your WordPress site to use HTTPS, either manually or using a plugin.