How to Delete the Theme from WordPress installation?

While wandering around and finding the perfect theme for your WordPress Website, you’ll install tons of them. But suddenly, you realize it’s the time to delete themes in WordPress.

And in this post, I will cover two easy to follow steps on How to delete WordPress themes? WordPress theme delete (Admin Panel), and FTP/SFTP client.

Let’s get into this tutorial.

1. Delete Themes in WordPress via Admin Panel

In this step, we will log-in to the WordPress admin panel. 

In the Left section select, Appearance–>Them.

Hover over any theme and click on Theme Details (in this example, I remove WordPress Themes IT), it will open up the theme.

Before you remove the theme, make sure it’s not active on your Website (if it is, activate another WordPress theme, or it will break your site).

Now from the bottom right corner select, Delete to delete the WordPress theme. 

Now, you’ll receive a final confirmation message, confirm it by clicking on Ok.

We’d successfully deleted the IT WordPress theme. 

2. How to Uninstall theme on WordPress using SFTP/FTP

So, the first step is suitable for you if you have access to the WordPress admin panel. In another case, you can also use SFTP or FTP.

But first, what is the main difference between SFTP and FTP.

The main Difference between SFTP and FTP

Here in SFTP, S stands for Secure. 

The full abbreviation for FTP is File Transfer Protocol. Its an internet service, with which you can share content (including text, images, etc.) from your computer (or device) to another remote server (or computer).

While SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol, it means the content sharing between your computer and the remote server (or computer) is encrypted.

So if possible, only look for an SFTP for a secure transfer process.

Now let’s see how to delete a WordPress site theme using SFTP.

As I’m using SiteGround, I will sign to my account I will find my Website go to Site Tools

  1. Filezilla
  2. Transmit (for Mac)
  3. Winscp (for Windows)
  4. Forklift (for Mac)

If you’re using SiteGround hosting (MAC/OS) you can use this guide on how to establish SFTP connection with transmit on Mac/OS.

Connect to your SFTP Server

You can check your WordPress hosting provider for the details to connect to the SFTP. You’ll need the following credentials to connect to an SFTP.

  1. Protocol
  2. Host
  3. Port
  4. Username
  5. Password

3. Find the File Manager

After logging in to my SiteGround account, select Website, and then go to Site Tools

From the left bar, select File Manager –> Wp Content –> (subfolder) Themes.

You will not see any option to delete the theme. Left-click on the theme you want to remove and select the delete option.

You will see a confirmation message to delete the theme from the WordPress installation. Click on Confirm, and you’ve successfully deleted the WordPress themes.

4. Summary

If you have access to the WordPress admin panel follow the first step to delete the WordPress theme, as it’s easier to follow.

In case you don’t have access to the WordPress admin panel, follow the Second step.